Your phone system can help you save time and money.  Heins Communications is strictly a telecom agency for phone and internet services, but the key service we provide is working with our customers to choose the right systems to help streamline their business.  Having the right phone and internet service for your organization can make a marked difference in your company’s productivity.

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We are local.


Heins Communications in based in the Willamette Valley.  We care about our communities and our neighbors. 



High Quality Services


We review and test a wide variety of equipment and vendors.  Only then will be recommend the service for our customers.  





Heins Communications offers great value.  For starters, we're a free service!  Let us help you find the best phone and internet solution for your business.   What is the value of having your phone and internet working effectively and efficiently?



We Make it Simple


Call us.  We can go over your existing telecom and internet needs and provide you with a a no obligation detailed estimate of what we can do for you to upgrade your telecom systems so they are working as efficiently as you do.  How’s that for simple?